We wanted to take a moment to update you on where our industry stands  with the Governor’  moving back to phase 2 and CT in the red, businesses like ours get hit the hardest.  

While this too shall pass and better days are ahead, the present remains. If you watched the Governor, He did specify personal services not being affected by the roll back because “they are doing everything they have to do to ensure clients are safe” so how is The Serene Spot doing that? By having air filters in each room and in (HVAC) system to do our part of an overall risk mitigation plan.  

We still encourage clients to stay home if they are feeling sick, we take temps upon arrival, space our clients and we sanitize each room between clients including doors as well as lysol common areas multiple times a day.

We are hoping to make it through to spring/summer when we believe if people continue to do what has to be done and vaccines become available the public confidence returns and services like ours regain popularity.

This is where you all come in. We need your help by sharing our posts or tagging friends but specially to use our services as Christmas gifts, client appreciation, employee appreciation, birthdays and special occasions.  Our certificates do not expire and we are certain when things normalize the recipient will put it to good use.

Can we count on your support to ensure our  staff remains employed through these challenging times?

The Serene Spot

Get Connected
The Serene Spot
1175 State St, Suite 221, New Haven, CT
parking and entrance in rear of building

(203) 400-1293


Sessions booked Monday to Saturday
8:00 am to 7:00 pm some sundays & holidays
We are located inside UHaul building. Please use State street entrance located behind the building.
© 2020 The Serene Spot. All Rights Reserved.
Website by Cloud IT Guru